Auto Service & Maintenance

“Being honest pays off.”
That from John Nazarethian, president of Naz Auto Repair.
“I attribute our success through the years to running an honest business,” he said. “We will evaluate your concerns and offer you any and all the options before making that decision to fix your car.
“Basically, you must convince us your vehicle is broken,” Nazarethian added. “We will test drive it to confirm all issues: just because the check engine light is on, does not mean you need to spend any money yet.”
He started out as Naz Mobil at Kings Highway. and Lenola Road in 1978. In 1986, he purchased an undeveloped building lot behind the Moorestown Mall between what is now Produce Junction and Jiffy Lube and built a 5000 square-foot professional repair shop.
Naz Auto Repair services and repairs imports, domestic vehicles, along with light and medium duty trucks.
“We also service many local fleets who want that personalized attention to detail that we have become masters of,” Nazarethian said. “Our team of experienced certified technicians provides an alternative to the dealer.”
He said he would highly recommend anyone looking to start or move a business to consider Maple Shade as their destination.
“Our business association is second to none,” Nazarethian said. “The diverse traffic patterns that run through Maple Shade offer something for every business: everything from the foot traffic on Main Street [and] the high volume of Routes 38 and 73.
“It has been a pleasure working with the MSBA,” he added.
Nazarethian said he has been working on vehicles since auto shop at Haddon Township High School, from where he graduated.
He said he has lived in Medford for 32 years and enjoys power boating on his time off.